The world is full of extremes, societies polarise. In a catastrophic situation, limiting the damage to people, the environment and society should be the first priority. The actual situation, however, is often muddled, historically prejudiced, dominated by conflicts of interest and opinion. Communication is often hardly possible – this is also shown by the current global crises.
As artists, we are also confronted with serious disasters, tragedies and catastrophes, we work on our attitudes and questions in our artistic work, and in doing so we are actors in social cultures. Can art make visible what is so difficult to grasp in this field of tension? Coming from different backgrounds and places, we open up a space for new perspectives for ourselves and others with a joint exhibition and a digital accompanying programme.
The participating artists have all been working for a long time on themes dealing with catastrophes, momentous events and tragedies. The exhibiting group is not only defined by common exhibition interests, but wants to facilitate a longer-term artistic/content-related exchange about their own work within the group and with interested third parties. The exchange is a central element, the network an organically growing one.