16.01.2022 11-17 hs

On 16.1. the exhibition REDRAW TRAGEDY opens at the Künstlerforum Bonn. Until 23.2. works of eight artists can be seen:
Bruno Hadjih
Hiroyuki Kobayashi
Gaby Kutz
Wie-yi T. Lauw
Rie Tanji
Grit Ruhland
Roberto Uribe Castro
Natalia Wehler
Based on an idea by Hiroyuki Kobayashi and Natalia Wehler.
“How do artists deal with serious events, catastrophes and tragedies? In view of current developments, such as climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic, this topic seems more present than ever. The exhibition project REDRAW TRAGEDY at the Künstlerforum Bonn is dedicated to artistic processing and exchange.
The works are clearly linked to the context of landscape and space, which is a significant theme for all exhibiting artists. Sometimes represented in found objects as in the case of Uribe and Kobayashi, sometimes in the demarcation of the self from the outside as in the case of Tanji, sometimes in the almost geographical exploration of landscape and people as in the case of Ruhland, Hadjih and Wehler. Exciting dialogues at the work level can also be expected in the materials and conceptual approaches. As different as the personal consternation, the artistic approach and the focal points are, the telling and remembering, the approach to objective catastrophes and incomprehensible processes life with the consequences are common themes.” (from the press release for the exhibition)
The exhibiting group is not only defined by the common exhibition interest, but wants to enable a longer-term artistic and content-related exchange about their own work in the group and with interested third parties.
An extensive supporting program will also take place on site in collaboration with the Artists’ Forum team and Museum Studies at the University of Bonn, supplemented by a digital accompanying program on the website (https://www.redraw-tragedy.de/) and in social media.
The exhibition is sponsored by the Stiftung Kunst der Sparkasse Bonn, the Stiftung Kunstfonds and the City of Bonn.
Exhibition REDRAW TRAGEDY: Jan. 16 – Feb. 23, 2022.
SOFT OPENING with artist:s on Jan. 16, 2022, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Opening hours: Tue- Fri 3-6pm, Sat 2-5pm, Sun 11am-5pm.
The current Corona protection rule applies, i.e. currently 2 G and mask. Possible updates can be found beforehand on the website of the Künstlerforum (kuenstlerforum-bonn.de).